Introduce Yourself : Writer-director-Actress by Radha Bharadwaj


Indian-born writer-director of CLOSET LAND (produced by Ron Howard's Imagine Entertainment, released by Universal Pictures), BASIL (starring Jared Leto, Christian Slater and Derek Jacobi), and Space MOMs (based on real-life Indian women-rocket scientists).

I have two new features in active development, plus two TV concepts that I'm developing. My work is dark, and I like mysteries--a twist in the end. The exception is Space MOMs, which is a buoyant, optimistic film--much like the Indian Mars Mission the film is based on.

Maurice Vaughan

It's nice to meet you, Radha Bharadwaj. Sounds like you've had a great writer/director career so far.

Radha Bharadwaj

Thanks, Maurice Vaughan. I'd like it to be greater! Good to meet you.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Radha Bharadwaj. I'm sure your career will be greater. :) Do you act in the movies you write/direct?

Radha Bharadwaj

I acted in my most recent film, Space MOMs. Have been an actress on stage since childhood. Would like to do more work in front of the camera as well!

Radha Bharadwaj

And I wish you much success in all you do, too.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks. Hope you continue to have success with writing, directing, and acting. I'll add your movies to my watch list.

Maurice Vaughan

Also, speaking of acting, you can find acting jobs in the Job Section.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome, Radha! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Radha Bharadwaj

Thank you, Matthew.

Good to meet you, too.

Nidhi Shetty

Hello, Radha Bharadwaj. I'm seeing amazing filmography under your belt. It's nice to meet you!

Radha Bharadwaj

Thanks. Good to meet you, too,

Bruce Chapnick

Hi Radha hope this finds you well. It would be very interesting to chat with you and hear more about your experience working with Imagine Ent. I'm trying to connect with their animation division, if there is one allocated for that purpose. Maybe they do since I see they produced "Curious George"???

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