Screenwriting : I need help finding a manager. by Robert DeVerger

I need help finding a manager.

I am at a point in my writing "career" where I need a manager. I have been told by a few execs that this step is needed for me to start getting my foot in the door because I don't know anyone on the inside. I have emailed and called a large list of managers already and have not heard back from any one of them. An exec recently told me that the biggest part of being in a writers community is writers helping other writers so that's where I am at now. Do any writers here know of a manager looking or have direct contact with a manager? I'm becoming frustrated and pessimistic because this small issue is standing in my way of possibly breaking into the industry. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

This situation comes up regularly in this forum. If you're looking for a literary manager or talent agency, they hardly ever signed unproduced writers unless you have a script creating a buzz. Some will tell you if you place at Nichol, Page, or AFF, you may generate some interest, but even then, it's a long shot you'll sign a deal. Sounds discouraging, right?

I've signed 14 option and right-to-shop deals, including one with a major talent agency without an agent or manager. So until such time WME or CAA calls you, I'd get out and try to connect with some indie filmmakers and look for any opportunity to pitch your work.

Best of luck with your work.

Craig D Griffiths

Go back to the Execs and ask for names of people they recommend. Then your email will start with “Robert DeVerger said I should contact you as he thinks you are a manager I should be working with”.

Maurice Vaughan

How's it going, Robert DeVerger?

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal" made a post about this in the Screenwriting Lounge:

Here are some resources that could help you find an agent or manager, Robert:

IMDb Pro has managers and agents you can look up. IMDb Pro costs $19.99 a month. There's a 30-day free trial though.

Danny Manus

The question is also, are these execs telling you that you NEED a manager or that you are READY for a manager. Those are 2 diff things. How many scripts do you have ready to go? How many more ideas you got ready to write? Are u looking to do TV or film or both? Have u done well in some major contests or got some buzz? Do u know what kind of writer you are, where your voice excels the most? that said, asking the execs for recommendations is a great idea. If youre querying mngrs, make sure your query is GREAT. Happy to help over at No BullScript if you need some career coaching or guidance on ways to get managers to notice you...

Leonor LeRu

Either you will fine or you will be found the manager here sooner or later! Wish you all the best Robert!!! It will Happen for sure!

Kiril Maksimoski

The other day company mail came in and my firm is looking for a higher level supervisor, a clear promotion for me....with nine years there and a load of experience, I was still reluctant to apply...

After my own boss encouraged me yesterday, I'm gonna do it now, even chances do not 100% favor me...

So the point is...getting a manager is a sort of a promotion in screenwriting world...what's your prove/boost ure up to it?

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