For years, I have produced and created interactive musicals, books, illustrations and curriculum to encourage kiddos and their families to have self-worth. Now, watching kids lose their way due to the pandemic, family stressors, and loss of connection I want to jump into the animation/puppetry arena/children's TV. I would love to connect with people who want to make a difference in the lives of young children!
Pleasure to meet you, Deborah Weed. I think it's great that you're using your art to help kids and families! You might want to check out Stephen Tako's page:
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Thank you Maurice! I appreciate it. . .
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You're welcome, Deborah Weed. Excited to see more of your posts and projects on here!
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We have an Animation Thread in The Writer's Room that you might find useful.
Also, will you be posting any of your ideas on your Profile so people can check them out?
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Thank you Elaine! I'd love to join the animation thread. . .and yes, a few of my brands are shared on my profile!
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Hi Elaine - you’ve got such exciting ideas! You should check out the OTT & Trans media lounge >> to meet new collaborators!!
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Beautiful goal to focus in the younger generations. They need more guidance than ever. Thank you for that
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Thank you Juan for seeing how important it is in the lives of the next generation!
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A great motivation. I did a script read for a script about childhood bravery and self awareness. If you need a voice actor or narration let me know. Can also work with production and concepts.
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Wonderful! The children are better off with people like you in the world!