Introduce Yourself : Hi everyone im new by Tiffany Griffin

Tiffany Griffin

Hi everyone im new

Just saying hello! Make sure you guys follow!! Stylist/editor/digital creator✨

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Tiffany Griffin. What are you working on right now?

Tiffany Griffin

Hey .. Thank you.. Ive been writing small scripts..

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Tiffany Griffin. I also write short scripts. What genres do you write?

Tiffany Griffin

Comedy and branching off into horror. Lol

Maurice Vaughan

I write those genres too, Tiffany Griffin. Horror is one of my top genres to write. If you need tips on writing Horror, let me know.

Tiffany Griffin

That's awesome..I definitely will!! Stay in touch✨

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, Tiffany Griffin. And I'll stay in touch.

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