Hi! I'm a screenwriter with 68 feature scripts and 11 TV pilots, many loaded onto Stage 32, and most with women and minority leads. They cross genres and budgets with an eye on “return on investment and critical acclaim.” My first produced script “Twisted Vines” won five awards including “Best Narrative Feature” due, in part, to feedback I’ve received from the Stage 32 community along my way. I’d greatly value your feedback. https://www.stage32.com/profile/520654/scripts_screenplays. I’m represented by: Eleni Larchanidou, LLM, Literary&Talent Manager. Let’s connect! Cheers, Tom
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You're an inspiration, Tom. You get it. Others here would be wise to follow your lead!
3 people like this
Wow, you're prolific! Congratulations.
2 people like this
Congrats on “Twisted Vines” winning five awards, Tom Stohlgren! I have some scripts to read, but I'll try to read one of your scripts soon.