I have run an International Filmmakers Organization for 20 years and a Sales & Marketing Company that sold films around the world for 11. I am now involved with an International Studio Without Borders or Walls that specializes in a whole new genre of entertainment, one that does more than just entertain, or make you forget about your problems, but actually offers possible solutions to the problems we face every day. If you think you might be interested in working with us, please contact me through Stage 32.
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I have ten screenplays that, as far as I am concerned, are ready to go. They are all, true or made up, period pieces,,though, which may not fit your requrements.
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Eugene Mandelcorn Hi Eugene, it’s good to see you here on Stage 32. What kind of genres are you interested in? I write scripts that are rich in social content; from sex trafficking to a big pharma drama. How is the new adventure panning out?
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How's it going, Eugene Mandelcorn? Great to see you again.
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Hi Grant, We are still accepting applications to our Studio, if you are interested.
Hi Geoff, We specialize in the "solution genre" but our producers work in all genres.
Hi Grant, Geoff, and Maurice, We are planning to Premiere a recent feature at the Chinese Theatres in Hollywood and have some projects planned for production in 2023.
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Eugene Mandelcorn “solution genre”? I’ve not heard of that before. Please tell me more.
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Sounds interesting,a website to get more information?
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Eugene, I've been having a problem attaching ten opening pages to a Stage 32 message. I've thrown it at Stage 32's support, but it would be helpful if you could let me have an e-mail address to send them. The three sentences are below, and I believe you have the two links already.
After a long time writing corporate material;, including 16 international prizewinners, I am now writing scripts as well. For radio, meanwhile, I have a series that so far has had 5 outings on BBC Radio 4 Extra, as well as a couple of plays also there. One has been adapted into a novel - so is in its third incarnation as a screenplay.
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Welcome, Eugene! nice to meet you. Glad you're here.
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You can send me material at firstfeatures@mail.com
Eugene Mandelcorn I just realized we were talking on Clubhouse. :) You were telling me about the projects your studio's working on.
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Grant Eustace You can attach pictures and links to Stage 32 messages, but there's no way to attach documents.
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Hi Eugene Mandelcorn - so nice to meet you! Sounds like you've got a lot of experience to share - thank you for that!
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Hi Eugene - Good to see you again! Let's solve!