Hello, Stage 32 community - I dug up the cornfield and found this creepy tale buried there. I loved working on Spider-Man 2 with Doc Ock's puppeteers. I learned a lot about Physical Effect Shots on that film. My day gig is a union storyboard artist (and hit me up if any of you need any pre-viz). Introducing "CornStalkers." Pumped to be winning awards with the screenplay. Doing query letters now trying to get it out there. Thoughts?
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How are things, Michael Bayouth?
I remember talking to you about "CornStalkers" a little while back. The pitch deck (the pictures you posted on your page) looks great! Did you pitch the film on Stage 32 already (https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/pitch-sessions)? You have a poster, pitch deck, teaser, website, your script's winning awards, and your script's high concept and unique. I think a producer or company would jump at your script.
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Hi Maurice, thanks for the nice comments - yeah, today I bought the Feature Script Read with Scott Schulman here on Stage 32. Hopefully, it will open up some doors. I'm so hoping I can get it into the right hands. Love to direct this film - already storyboarded in my head! - Best!
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You're welcome, Michael Bayouth. I've heard some great things about Scott Schulman on Stage 32.