Introduce Yourself : Been away for a while, but I'm back by Lyndon Booth

Lyndon Booth

Been away for a while, but I'm back

Hey guys!

I've been away for a bit, but now my crowd funder is up I thought I'd come back and beg for money-- I MEAN interact with the community again.

I'm a director/screenwriter and am finally putting my money (your money?) where my mouth (my wallet) is by starting my first feature film. It's a horror film, but I've done everything in my power to make it different and fun and fresh.

I've assembled a cool team, and when we get the money would love to have some Stage32 people involved, so stay in touch!

Please check it out here:

Shellie Schmals

Hi Lyndon Booth - this is my favorite line from your pitch ... "And we're all out of shut up."

Beautifully stated, and wishing you the best of luck on funding, I'm all about 80s horror (actually curate a film series here in Atlanta) and your premise sounds wicked fun!

Lyndon Booth

Thank you, Shellie! Hopefully we can show the film there one day

Matthew Parvin

Welcome back, Lyndon! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome back, Lyndon Booth. Great campaign page. "A strained group of friends are invited to an abandoned asylum..." Nope. Haha :D

Lyndon Booth

What's the worst that could happen?!

Maurice Vaughan

Isn't that a Horror movie no-no, Lyndon Booth? Asking "what's the worst that could happen?"

Lyndon Booth

I don't know what you're talking about. Now please answer this ringing phone in a darkened hallway with your back to the door, thank you

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Lyndon Booth. Hope you reach your campaign goal. I'll try to donate soon.

Lyndon Booth

That would be super appreciated! Thanks!

Sam Sokolow

Hi Lyndon Booth - it's great to be connected here. Your movie and campaign look terrific. I'm such a huge fan of Sam Raimi and John Carpenter. I hope you reach your goals and get the film made because now I want to see it!

Lyndon Booth

Thanks, Sam! I am too, hoping to make something special! Don't be afraid to pledge, we have a range of affordable AND unaffordable options!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lyndon Booth.

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