Filmmaking / Directing : Ask Me Anything (AMA) 12/6 - 12/7 by Lynn Santer

Lynn Santer

Ask Me Anything (AMA) 12/6 - 12/7

Hi there! It’s Lynn Santer here. Yes, Santer (ho ho ho). I’m a writer/producer who sent my first story to a publisher when I was 9 years old… and I haven’t stopped writing since! I have over 50 titles published. Some I’ve ghosted, some are authorised biographies (of some pretty fascinating people), some are thrillers and I have a range of children’s books. But the two projects I am most proud of are my multi award winning documentary films “Land of the Free” (streaming at: and my newly released anthropomorphised dramedy novel “Swan Song” ( that has been likened to “Watership Down” and “Wind in the Willows”, receiving critical acclaim from all over the world. The difference is that “Swan Song” has been based on real events (albeit I’ve lightly fictionalised and fantasised them) after observing the wild black swans, and the rest of the cavalcade of colourful characters, living on my lake for 23 years.

We’re planning an animated musical feature film adaptation and stage production right now. It’s available in paperback and hardback, with a kindle soon to be released and an Audible due for 2023.

The “Land of the Free” documentaries are hard-hitting exposés about the trophy hunting industry. The second film had its world premiere in London’s House of Commons in June this year, ahead of a vote to ban the imports of trophy hunting, which passed through The House unopposed November 24th, 2022.

I’m here in Stage32 for 24 hours for an AMA. I love answering questions about both my latest projects, the production process, how you can support authors without buying a book, and what drove me to make movies about wildlife and conservation.

Here’s a recent blog I did on Stage32:

Videos - - Dive into the Wild World of Nature! Discover captivating wildlife documentaries, breathtaking encounters with animals, and conservation stories on our online wildlife plat…
David Santo

If you had to distribute a movie today how would you do it?

Lynn Santer

David Santo depends on the movie (genre, budget). Streaming channels have changed the world. For documentaries and low budget that would definitely be my go to option. Distributors are very expensive but for big budget films they’re a must. Of course if it’s big budget it’s most likely already in the studio system where they manage their own distribution. Then, of course, there’s network TV for things like MOW. Pay TV channels (Netflix, Stan etc) remain an option across the spectrum.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for doing an AMA, Lynn Santer. What's your biggest piece of advice for someone wanting to make a documentary?

Niki H

Thanks for doing this Lynn! I'd love to hear about the planning of the film and stage production. Do you have the same people involved in both? Are you working on them both at the same time? Is there a kind of partnership between them or will they be mostly separate channels for the material?

GiGi Raines

Hi Lynn! Lovely for you to do this. I am curious about the adaptation process for a musical. Are you writing the lyrics, or do you have a whole team?

Lynn Santer

Maurice Vaughan thank you for that question. Never give up. Never give in. Nothing worthwhile is easy. First you need to map out your story. The most effective structure is to first shock, then show the issue, then offer a solution. That done, determine who your credible talent is to speak on the subject and secure a filming schedule. You’ll also need vision of the subject, not just talking heads. Now you’ll know the crew you need so start getting quotes on that, plus music plus post production. Who is going to direct it? Now you have a budget to seek funding. This is all before you start filming so be prepared for the long haul!!!

Lynn Santer

Niki H thank you for that question. It’s a real chicken and egg argument regarding film or stage first. Our original plan was film first but opportunities have presented themselves for stage so we’re working concurrently. The main crossover in talent is obviously the music. Other than that, the cast and crew, the process, even the scripting is quite different stage vs screen.

Lynn Santer

GiGi Raines thank you for that question. I have a team working on the music. The fabulous Mzansi Youth Choir of Soweto and Grammy nominated composer Mauritz Lotz.

Sam Mannetti

Hey Lynn, appreciate you doing this AMA! Would love to know how one can support authors without buying a book?

Lynn Santer

Sam Mannetti Thank you for that question. Easy answer. Review the book on Amazon. If you have an active account on Amazon you do not need to purchase the book to post a review (HINT: My book is called "Swan Song by Lynn Santer" ;) :) ). Review the book on Goodreads. Review the book ANYWHERE!! (HINT: Only 5 star reviews are helpful ;) :) ). Follow them on Social Media (you'll find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter). Post about the book online. Tell friends about the book. Share the author's posts about the book. See... lots of ways :D

Eon C. Rambally

Lynn Santer, I must say " Finally a great opportunity to comment on the subject". Long ago documentaries were basically concidered boring by many and unable to attract the attention of a "world premiere" or "block buster", film. Today's documentaries have employed in some cases "famous actors", as narrators, who have applied themselves to the relevant subjects portrayed and you have a much wilder audience. This concept employing "famous actors"., is also being applied to "Talent shows" and Reality shows" and the results is evident. My concept and theory, as never before mentioned or somewhat witheld because of significance and some anticipation of proper opportunity. Apply to all three mentioned concepts, "Documentaries", "Talent shows" and "Reality shows", employ "famous actors", with great scripts, special effects, vfx, etc, of course ranking Producers and Directors to a grand production and you've got world premiere productions "same boring information of long ago including science fiction", now with a whole new "The World of Thought Perception & Creativity" (the name of my short film,), a combination of concepts, with an "evolving" storyline. Can you comment on any enhancements, objectives and relevant opinions on the subject(s). Thanks!

Emily J

Lynn Santer Hi Lynn! Thank you so much for answering our questions. I know there's a lot at stake with causes like this, but documentaries aren't (necessarily) the most financially exciting kind of project. How do you and your team balance your day jobs with making a documentary, and what was your process with finding financing? Thanks!

Lynn Santer

Eon C. Rambally Thank you for your insights :)

Lynn Santer

Emily - good question!!! With regard to myself, I have sunk my heart, mind, body, soul and bank account (and then some) into "Land of the Free" for over 20 years!! My team is large so that's harder to answer. All the talent worked for free (with one exception who worked for very little). All the cameramen (and there were MANY all over the world) worked for "mate's rates". The music was composed and/or licensed either for free or for very little money. All of that said, the production was still an expensive process because all of this adds up and there are plenty of other expenses not listed here... and that's before you get to post production and that was an enormous outlay on both films (even at "mate's rates"). As for financing, as this is clearly not a project that is ever going to be commercially viable, it's a matter of finding people with deep pockets who share the passion for the cause. NOT EASY!!!!!!!!!! But I was blessed to meet the Korman family (who own AKA Luxury Premises). Between personal contributions from various members of that family plus further contributions from sympathetic wealthy friends/colleagues they introduced me to, a significant final amount to get me across the line from a personal friend of mine, and, of course Priscilla helped as well, we just scrapped through! You have to really have a passion and be driven by knowing you are fighting for a higher purpose... and then hope everyone spends a measly $2.99 to watch it on so we can boost the campaign coffers for the battles that lie ahead in 2023 and beyond to get legislation passed. Safari Club International is holding their annual convention again in February where they are AGAIN auctioning the lives of ENDANGERED animals to raise their own funds to campaign to block this legislation so there is a Herculean challenge ahead and every dollar is going to count!! MOJOSTREAMING.COM "Land of the Free: Out of the Shadows". Thank you for asking xxx

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lynn Santer. I appreciate the answer! All of your answers are great. Really helpful. :)

Lynn Santer

I should add in a PS to my long answer to Emily, my newly released anthropomorphised dramedy novel “Swan Song” (available on Amazon everywhere) is donating 10% of all royalties to the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting and as of today it’s available in hardback as well as paperback. This novel has been receiving critical acclaim from all over the world and is delighting audiences of all ages. It’s being likened to “Wind in the Willows” and “Watership Down”…. and who doesn’t want a Christmas gift genuinely authored by SANTER (ho ho ho)? ;)

Sam Mannetti

Thank you Lynn, appreciate your answer!

Eon C. Rambally

Thank you Lynn, for the reply and the break down of information, experience and efforts in bringing up the subjects, It was certainly great to hear your point of views. Best!

Lynn Santer

My pleasure:)

Cee Whirx

Lynn Santer My name is Cee, creator of the new Christmas action-adventure, "Ryder & The Deer Guardians". I'm planning a live action/CG film version of this subject, but is there a way to get this to an executive?

Lynn Santer

Hi Cee. If you're talking about Studio Executive, your only way in is through a personal connection, an agent, or a pitch session (such as sometimes held here on Stage32). If you're talking about a "tier 2" executive, my advice would be to search IMDb for executives who have a penchant for your genre/budget of film and reach out to them via the contact information provided on that site.

Tiffany Taylor

Hi Lynn Santer My name is Tiffany and I am a self publishing author of 8 books. I would love to get into screenwriting and filmmaking. I have written a few scripts but they need some work. Do you have any suggestions for classes or lessons I can take on screenwriting? Thank you

Lynn Santer

Hi Tiffany. Great question. There are so many resources I hardly know where to start! There are many useful books you can buy on Amazon. One is called "Dating your character: A sexy guide to screenwriting" written by Devorah Cutler-Rubenstein and Marilyn Atlas (both good friends of mine). I have also written a book called "The Ultimate Roadmap: How to structure a Hollywood screenplay". That is also available on Amazon. You might also want to look up Devorah as she coaches (she's based in Los Angeles but in these days of Zoom and email it really doesn't matter where you are): You can contact Devorah (Devo) here: Tell her I sent you. I don't think she's on Stage32 but she is on Facebook and LinkedIn. Hope that helps xx

Lynn Santer

Hi again Tiffany. I have found Devorah here on Stage32 as well:

Tiffany Taylor

Thank you Thank you soooo much

Lynn Santer

My pleasure Tiffany xx

Iri Bugandwa Gabriel

I just finished to read all the comment above, you just responded correctly, to all the question i wanted to ask. Thank you

Lynn Santer

Hi Iri. Thank you for making my job easy :) Happy holidays.

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