This last year has dealt me some winning cards. How to play my hand, though?
More specifically, how do we put our credentials forward without sounding boastful?
When I was young, Paul Newman and Robert Redford were at the top of A-list Hollywood.
I've never heard a word against Newman, but there are people who've made a career out of panning Redford, who is, after all, a fine actor.
The essential difference would seem to be that you never caught Newman taking himself seriously. Whereas with Redford, there was a whiff of 'too cool for school.'
Don't mean to gossip, here, but the moral seems clear.
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Hi Brian Flanagan! I actually haven't heard that many people panning Redford -- but I see your point! I have often been told that I can be "too much", whether that was me being too loud, or stubborn, or cocky, or even "too creative". For me, I've learned that if I'm "too much" for one person, that isn't necessarily true for all people, so celebrate your wins and share your credits!
So now, may I ask, what were some of those winning cards you received this year?
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Hello, Emily J!
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. No, I haven't heard that many, either, but other actors at his level have gotten the same treatment. Too much swagger, it seems. I'm sure envy has nothing to do with it.
I like lively, dynamic women; my oldest friend in the world, e.g. So, you be you, kid!
OTOH, there's the matter of 'knowing your audience.' I keep a collection of personas handy with a view to being user-friendly. Think of Charles Dickens, of whom it was said that he wasn't a man, but a mob.
As for the winning cards, it comes down to nods from several of the biggest players on the board, in media, science, and tech. I'm struck by their high degree of discretion and so I'm inclined to go and do likewise.
Congratulations on your success, Brian Flanagan! Here's a way to tell about your success and credentials without sounding boastful: Talk about your success and credentials, then offer people suggestions on how they can be successful too.
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Thanks, Maurice Vaughan! Will mull it over. Best of the holidays!
Thoughts on Robert Redford and Paul Newman... Seriously?
You're welcome, Brian Flanagan. Happy Holidays!
Thanks for your informative and generous comments, M LaVoie!
I hasten to add that my issue is with unreliable critics. It seems to me that people are often engaged in autobiography when they think they're offering criticism.
Briefly, I'm a longtime fan of Mr. Redford's. 'Butch Cassidy' and 'The Sting' are among my favorite flicks, and, I would readily argue, timeless classics. Perhaps you know Harold Bloom's notion about works of genius being distinguished by perpetual freshness.
Nice anecdote about Ed Burns. A real Hollywood story, hmm?
As to Sundance... You clearly know more about that scene than I do. I gather Bob likes to keep busy. And good for him, lending his star power to younger film-makers. I get a headache just thinking about managing all those egos. (I tried to go to a film festival in the Rockies, once, but the mountains reportedly felt as though I was trying to upstage them and threw a fit. They're still finding bodies.)
As to your thoughts on propriety, I'm not a good one to talk, in view of my scandalous past. (Don't think it's cheap, covering that up!)
Finally, a few of your assessments would seem to open a door on the politics of show biz. I don't know, but from what I gather, it's not always flowers and sunshine.
All the best of the season!
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Amman M. Said,
When your parents told you to respect your elders, do you suppose they did so because it's only polite?
Brian Flanagan No, my friend. I think it's because it's only human.
Amman M. Said
And so it is, but there is also a cautionary note contained therein.