Hey everyone!
After a few years of research, I finally finished a pilot script for a limited series about the French Revolution. However, despite living in Los Angeles my whole life, I had no idea how to enter the rewarding world of screenwriting. Thanks to a few contest wins and advice from friends I've met here, I feel I'm getting slightly closer to penetrating the bubble of Hollywood networking.
My hat is tipped to all of you who have found managers/agents and sold your work. I hope to join the virtual Stage 32 wall of success this year (fingers crossed).
Cheers and great success for the New Year to all of you!
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Congratulations on the contest wins, Amanda Roraback! :D And congratulations on finishing your pilot! :D A limited series about the French Revolution sounds interesting. I like watching limited series. My favorite is "Chernobyl."
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Congratulations Amanda! Best of luck to you!
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Welcome to the community Amanda, that's all really exciting! It sounds like you might want to check out our Writers' room - take a look here: https://www.stage32.com/writers-room/portal
Rom-coms are my favorite genre, and I'm currently attempting to market my Vegas-set feature, "Stand Tall!" (the pitch deck cover is attached).