Introduce Yourself : New and eager screenwriter! by Amanda Roraback

Amanda Roraback

New and eager screenwriter!

Hey everyone!

After a few years of research, I finally finished a pilot script for a limited series about the French Revolution. However, despite living in Los Angeles my whole life, I had no idea how to enter the rewarding world of screenwriting. Thanks to a few contest wins and advice from friends I've met here, I feel I'm getting slightly closer to penetrating the bubble of Hollywood networking.

My hat is tipped to all of you who have found managers/agents and sold your work. I hope to join the virtual Stage 32 wall of success this year (fingers crossed).

Cheers and great success for the New Year to all of you!


Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the contest wins, Amanda Roraback! :D And congratulations on finishing your pilot! :D A limited series about the French Revolution sounds interesting. I like watching limited series. My favorite is "Chernobyl."

Cheryl Davis

Congratulations Amanda! Best of luck to you!

Molly Peck

Welcome to the community Amanda, that's all really exciting! It sounds like you might want to check out our Writers' room - take a look here:

Vincent Paterno

Rom-coms are my favorite genre, and I'm currently attempting to market my Vegas-set feature, "Stand Tall!" (the pitch deck cover is attached).

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