Introduce Yourself : Introducing myself by Rajeev Kapur

Rajeev Kapur

Introducing myself

Hello everyone and a belated Happy New Year. I’m

new to the site and look forward to helping anyone who needs it. I’m also a relatively new writer. During Covid I wrote a feature film. I was able to option it late last year. I also just completed my second screenplay a couple of weeks ago. That one has been received fairly well. One group has asked me to create a pitch deck which I’ve never done before. If anyone has any thoughts let me know. Anyway, I’m working on a treatment for a third film and am enjoying the journey. Not sure where it will go but it’s fun so far. Feel free to reach out any time. I’m based in Orange County, CA. - Rajeev

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community and belated Happy New Year, Rajeev Kapur. Congratulations on optioning your first script!!! :D

Having a pitch deck will help when you pitch your script. I use It's easy to use, and it gets easier with practice.

Rajeev Kapur

Thank you Maurice for the feedback!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Rajeev Kapur. I've had producers, directors, and production companies ask me to submit pitch decks when I submitted scripts.

If you're looking to get a professional pitch deck made, Maya Zivkovich makes INCREDIBLE pitch decks (

Greg Lyon

Congratulations on the option.

Rajeev Kapur

Thank you Greg. Thank you Maurice. I just reached out to her.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Rajeev Kapur. Ok, great!

Osaze Adeyi

Welcome Rajeev it's great to have you on board, I'm also a screenwriter i base on epic fantasy, drama, sci fi, thriller,fantasy feel free to connect with my network

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