After writing only original spec scripts for a very long time, I felt the need to write with fewer formatting restrictions. Short stories are possibly a way of doing this and completed a new short story of a little over 8,000 words. The plan is reach out and try to work with someone in and around short story space. Nothing's in stone here, so if you have ideas, please add to the conversation. So far, it reminds me of treatment writing, but recognize that my past treatments were about trying to summarize a script I wanted to write. Treatments unintentionally read like they wanted to be something else. That's because they did. With a new mindset and story in mind, I set out to just enjoy the craft of writing and storytelling. It feels different to write out of screenplay format. It tells me stuff about writing all over again. It tells me stuff about my level of care for words and the medium of writing overall. I've thought about converting my catalogue of spec scripts into a collection of short stories, but I'm only recognizing a few others that would convert well. They are stories with characters who make you feel something. Maybe this is a good way to test whether a script should be written in the first place. Feel is my word for 2023. As in help the readers feel something. It seems obvious, but easy to forget sometimes.
Hey, Tracy David Sim. I usually write scripts, but way back, I wrote a short story. I had to research how to write it. You're right, it does feel different to write outside of screenplay format. I don't have the short story anymore, but I remember what it's about and I remember some of the story.
"The plan is reach out and try to work with someone in and around short story space." Maybe try the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge (
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Hi Tracy, nice to meet you! I think it's important to look at things in a new way once in a while, and what you're doing sounds like it's shaking creative juices up! I love your word for the year. Feel.
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Nice to hear from you, Maurice. And nice to meet you as well Niki. Thank you both for your thoughts and words. It looks like the short story will become a new script that I am starting this morning. I submitted it to a place I've submitted to often, thinking they were open to working from the story phase. They wanted me to write the script and send it as soon as I could and the person would help get it submitted. Something I will also try this year is simplifying description and maybe easing up on complicated formatting. Working full time, I am going to see if four pages a day is possible.
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Welcome Tracy! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.
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Thank you, Matthew! Nice to meet you as well.
You're welcome, Tracy David Sim. Best to you on writing the script and hope you reach your four pages a day goal!