I would be lying if I said that I have been working on more personal scripts. I have nothing new. And this seriously scares me. I know that someone can't run out of ideas entirely, but the linger concern of me having nothing new to show makes me worry. So, I decided to take a break from myself and I would be honored if I can help in anyway to anyone who is either working on a script or still figuring out how to do it. I don't consider myself a pro, but I am a writer and I want to help so I can feel I'm writing, even if its another idea. Hope there is someone that I can help out and sorry for the long post.
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Don’t look for ideas. Look for questions. Any question about people. Ask them of yourself and write that.
If you lost the most important person in the world, what would you do? and why?
If you had to choose between losing your loved ones and them being successful and happy, or you living a long life with them but it is a struggle.
When is it okay for someone to die?
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Hi Julio, I find that I have no end of ideas but lack the skill and/or cr self-confidence to implement them. Just keep swinging. I guess.
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Hey, Julio Torres. It's not about quantity of scripts. It's about quality. I suggest focusing on the feature or TV script you've been working on. If you feel you've written that script the best you can, move on to the next feature or TV script.
If you want to write new material, you could do what I do. I write short scripts as I write feature scripts. Short scripts don't take a lot of time to write.
Taking a break from writing your own scripts is ok. You can check the Job Section for writing and co-writing jobs (www.stage32.com/find-jobs).
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It is sometimes very helpful to step out of the water for a while to understand how you also appreciate the shore. In a short time, the water is compelling again. Writing is a balance between creating and experiencing. You are fine, I am sure. Excited for you to tackle your next project!!!
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Hi Julio! I need some help, because I work on multiple projects and I am "eating" time ;) lol So, kindly accept my friend request and let's have a chat. Have a nice evening! RoxA
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No your ideas? Work on someone's else...plenty of jobs, public domain IP around...practice, screenwriting is a skill above anything else, the more you do it, the better you get.
Daily scrolling Twitter gets me galore new ideas...like this fact of a 19 century slave in U.S. mailing himself outta Virginia to Pennsylvania and freedom...took him 26 or so days concealed in a small sized box....talking prefect contained thriller....