Hi, all! I am a long-time member but wanted to re-introduce myself. I am a full-time writer with over 30 books in print, non-fiction and fiction. I sold two screenplays in the last couple of years to major production companies. I wrote and co-produced three short films that did the festival circuit dance. I have written extensively for magazines, blog, publications, etc. for years...so I've done quite a bit as a writer. My screenplays, many written with Denise A. Agnew, my writing partner in crime, hehe, have placed highly in many major competitions. We specialize in horror, thriller, sci fi...two women who just love to write together! We also have some novellas out based on our horror scripts. Blah blah blah, you can read and see more of who I am and what I've done at my website, www.mariedjones.com. I am so happy to hang out with other writers and producers because SERIOUSLY we are a strange and unique breed, are we not?
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Hi Marie, great to meet you! I am the Director of Development Services at Stage 32. If I can ever recommend any of our script services to help get your projects in front of the right executives, please email me directly at success@stage32.com. Always happy to help!
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Marie D. Jones Hi Marie, thanks for equating us with a ‘strange and unique breed’!! What’s stirring that great creative pool in your life at the moment?
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Hi Marie! Just wanted to let you know that we have an author's lounge where you can connect with other writers: https://www.stage32.com/lounge/playwriting
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30 books in print! Wow, that's beyond impressive, Marie!!!
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OMG, San Diego is my new favorite place! I went there recently for the first time ever, and I never thought I'd love a place more than LA. So lovely there!
Also, HI! LOL Good to meet you, and congrats on the successful writing career! Ooo, SciFi? What's your top 3 TV shows of late? I feel like I was surprised that Paramount+'s HALO was on my list.
Ooo, have you met PK Mancini? I feel like you two would get along swimmingly: https://www.stage32.com/profile/1053819/about