I've been here a while now and introduced myself a few times so for some this may be deju vu to some of you. Anyways, I write mostly horror feature screenplays -- though I've also written a few pilots and several shorts, not all of them horror. Nothing produced so far, though I have a short I want to shoot sometime over the next few months.
Right now I'm sort of running in place on a new horror project. I need an ending for it -- I've learned if I don't know where I'm going to wind up my projects usually get bogged down. Hopefully I'll come up with something soon so I can get started on the fun part -- writing the bloody-damned thing!
I hope everyone is doing well and getting stuff done!
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Hey, J. Franklin Evans. I'm like you. I need to know the ending. Sometimes the ending changes as I write a script though.
Sometimes the ending can be the opposite of the start. Maybe that'll help you.
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J. Franklin Evans just start writing. You may find your ending in the process.