Introduce Yourself : Howdy from Sacramento! by J. Franklin Evans

Howdy from Sacramento!

I've been here a while now and introduced myself a few times so for some this may be deju vu to some of you. Anyways, I write mostly horror feature screenplays -- though I've also written a few pilots and several shorts, not all of them horror. Nothing produced so far, though I have a short I want to shoot sometime over the next few months.

Right now I'm sort of running in place on a new horror project. I need an ending for it -- I've learned if I don't know where I'm going to wind up my projects usually get bogged down. Hopefully I'll come up with something soon so I can get started on the fun part -- writing the bloody-damned thing!

I hope everyone is doing well and getting stuff done!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, J. Franklin Evans. I'm like you. I need to know the ending. Sometimes the ending changes as I write a script though.

Sometimes the ending can be the opposite of the start. Maybe that'll help you.

Jan Victoria Westbrook

J. Franklin Evans just start writing. You may find your ending in the process.

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