Hey everyone, new to stage 32 here but looking for a production team to team up with my producers and artists in Brooklyn N.Y to help document the process and B.T.S of music making. I believe it would make a great series bringing in many viewers who are fans of music, the artists, the producers as well as those interested in the process behind making music. We need help putting it all together though so feel free to contact me at anytime necessary with tips, ideas or inquiries on being a part of the process. Thank you guys for reading this enjoy your night!
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Hi. I'm in the music industry and would love to learn more about your project.
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Sabrina Sims McAfee Hey where's the best place to contact you?
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Thanks for sharing this Don Densley. At this point, what does your production team look like? Do you have a DP and crew?
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Hey Nick Waters , I hate to say that that besides the i’ve only been able to put together the cast thus far. Im currently attempting to figure out the production team portion but it’s taking a little longer and proving to be a little harder than I expected. Feel free to message me at any point