Introduce Yourself : Hello Stage 32! by Ana Mancholas

Ana Mancholas

Hello Stage 32!

I've only very recently joined Stage 32 and I'm still figuring out how everything works but I've received several emails kindly reminding me to come here and say a few words so: Hi, everyone, my name is Ana, I'm a screenwriter from Spain. I have never felt very enticed by the Spanish film industry though. It doesn't feel very "me".

I've written screenplays on several genres and I find that I always end up giving everything at least a touch of magic so I guess that fantasy is the genre that comes more naturally to me. Although my romantic-comedy is the one script that has been best received by readers (Still it has a bit of fantasy in it).

I have a particular fondness for exploring friendships and found family as well as for characters who are looking for their place in the world. A teacher of mine once told me I will ever only write about my core wound (he might be onto something).

Anyway, pleased to meet you all, feel free to follow my twitter and instagram @ana.mancholas if you want, although I only ever use them to comment on whatever I'm watching that is blowing my mind (for good and for bad).

Marguerite Faure

Welcome, Ana! It's love to hear about where you find the magic in screenwriting. I'd love for you to tell us more about your romcom, it sounds super original :) I think the fantasy element is so cool!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Ana Mancholas. Congratulations on "As You Wish" being a semi-finalist! :D

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Ana! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Leonardo Ramirez

Ana Mancholas I have always wanted to visit Spain since it holds part of my ancestry. My grandfather was a Spaniard. Glad you’re here, Ana. Welcome!

Sam Sokolow

Hi Ana - it’s great to meet you here in the community! I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If I can ever recommend any of our education or be of any help on your Stage 32 journey please email me at

GiGi Raines

Hi Ana! Thank you for sharing more about what you write. I love the fantasy genre. Also, Rom Coms are very popular with producers right now. Feel free to email us at if you want recommendations on producers or executives for feedback!

Cheryl Jones

Ah, yeah. It wasn't until I discovered my childhood trauma and got into therapy that I was finally able to open up and find interesting things to write about...all of which relate back to that childhood trauma. At least our core wounds are good for something!

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Cheers, Ana, welcome and it sounds like your writing imperatives will find good companions here on Stage 32!

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