Alright guys I’m trying to create a show series. It’s called “The Phoenix Tactic.” It’s about a boy named Zakaren who comes from another world, the Dimension of Souls. He lived there for twelve years under the “care” of his mother. His mother although she says she cares doesn’t SEEM to. He continues to train with her for the upcoming battle of Writhers vs Humans assuming their goals are aligned. But soon finds here are more dark and sinister than he could have ever imagined. The show obviously is very plot driven. But I also specialize in CHARACTERS. I love writing detailed dialogues among other things to explain how and why characters do what they do. How they deal with OR don’t deal with the trauma. For further information I would be HAPPY to send anyone a chapter of my finished book called “Little do you know….” That book is going to be published very soon and trust me when I say this…. It WILL be successful. The point of this post is to communicate that I NEED I team. I need an actors, producers, NOT writers. I’m the only writer I have a clear vision and feel for my show. although I do need a script consultant. As well as a person who can do special effects and a music developer. Along with everything and anyone else that will follow. So if anyone is even SLIGHTLY interested in this plot, my show and my idea’s don’t hesitate to reach out to me. You won’t regret it.
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Make a post in the Jobs section with your needs. They'll come flocking.
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I second what RB said. I think you'll have a lot of success in the Jobs section on Stage 32.
Okay, so what do I do in the job section? Do I put all the jobs I need in there and then they message me? And I’ll have to pay them right…
I will get back to you on that Dan!