Success Stories: APR'10 Writer Lands Shopping Agreement After Networking With Producer On Stage 32

Maurice Vaughan

Writer Lands Shopping Agreement After Networking With Producer On Stage 32

Today's blog is about the shopping agreement I signed with a producer who I met on Stage 32. I explain what the process was like and how you can find opportunities on here too.

Tim Bragg

It sounds like things are moving forward on this, has pre-production started yet?

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for asking, Tim Bragg. The producer is still shopping the show around.

Dustin Richardson

Dude! Congrats! I appreciated your tips in there as well.

Stephanie Munch

Congrats Maurice !! You're the man!

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Dustin Richardson.

Maurice Vaughan

"You're the man!" :) Thanks, Stephanie Munch.

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Alexandra Shields. I appreciate it.

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm so crazy happy for you, Maurice Vaughan!

Wendy Appelbaum

Maurice Vaughan and his fans :)

Wendy Appelbaum

Super happy for you! Keep us posted on how this moves along for you..

Jon Shallit

Congrats on a job well done!

Jack Binder


Maurice Vaughan

Crazy happy. :) Thanks, Ashley.

Maurice Vaughan

I have fans, Wendy!? :D Ok, I'll keep everyone posted.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Jon. I appreciate it.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Jack.

Frank Hauser

Great read!

Curt Samlaska

I'm a fan Maurice...thanks for sharing!

Maurice Vaughan

I appreciate it, Frank.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Curt. Thanks for being a fan. Guess I'm a celebrity now. Haha!

Michael Elliott

Once you're famous, get a more fashionable head shot.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Michael. Fashionable headshot like an actor headshot?

Michael Elliott

Definitely, glam yourself up a bit,

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the advice, Michael.

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