Introduce Yourself : Waddup Peoples!! by Eugene Owens

Eugene Owens

Waddup Peoples!!

Hi, my name is Gene I am a sci-fi, action loving screenwriter. Although I do write other genres. I am a proud gay black man and yes it reflects on my writing without force feeding the audience. I’m also striving to be the best actor/director this great world has seen. Looking forward to connecting with as many like minded peoples as possible.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Eugene Owens. What's your favorite Sci-Fi movie and Action movie?

Oliver Mann

Eugene Owens Hey Eugene! I actually produced a LGBTQ film years ago that went in over 20 film festivals and racked up awards. It is called "Alice in Andrew's Land", you can IMDB it. Any who, hit me up, have someone you might want to meet who is a Venture Capitalist focusing on the LGBTQ community and founders.

Adriana Laplanche

I love finding other black queer sci-fi writers! Pleasure to meet you, Eugene!

GiGi Raines

Hi Eugene! That's amazing. What are some movies that inspire you?

Sally Ann Marks

Welcome Eugene. I worked on a pilot for stand-up comic Anthony Session and he hopes to go to the American Black Film Festival in Florida this summer It sounds like a great festival and great networking opportunity.

Eugene Owens

Wadded Peoples!! (that's something I like to say lol) I want to say thank you for wonderful greetings. I would cannot wait to get to know each of you more and build these connections!

Eugene Owens

GiGi Raines Wow that's such a good question, big but good lol So many movies inspire me for so many different reasons. Being a 80's baby I seen allot lol but here is one. The movie is The Color Purple. I honestly loved how it was such an adult movie but shot in a way to where it could even take a little Gene away from the world for however many mins. I am a lover of fantasy and this had none (that would be noticeable to a kid) so that's saying something. The way it inspired me was in story telling, and charter development. I am huge on grounding and growing my characters and I owe some of that inspiration to that movie.

Eugene Owens

@Sally Ann Marks thanks for the link. My bday is during the festival. Perfect timing!

Eugene Owens

Alexandra Shields Thanks for that.

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