ISO an experienced TV Comedy writing experience to help with a script outline. I have the ideas but stuck in a few places. Looking for one-on-one mentor to learn from and bounce ideas off of.
ISO an experienced TV Comedy writing experience to help with a script outline. I have the ideas but stuck in a few places. Looking for one-on-one mentor to learn from and bounce ideas off of.
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Joelene Wolfe, Stage 32 has a free job board that you can use to post available jobs or search for any jobs in your profession. To find it, click “Jobs” on the top menu bar, and you can search by profession, location, and pay. Here is a link that you can use to go to our job board directly:
Good luck with your project!
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Hey Joelene! Have you checked out our labs and classes? There are some great options in there that can help with this and then when you have a script you can workshop it with some comedy LEGENDS we have doing consultations. If you need any recommendations, shoot me an email at