First a strong hook and a clear character arc makes the most 'sellable' project. Second, budget (ie. number of characters, sets/locations, special effects).
Amazing. Emily J and Amanda Nevarez . I’m working on some scripts right now and I’m trying to perfect my craft as a writer. Hope one day we can work together. Maybe, you can look at my scripts one day and tell me your thoughts. All I want to do is improve, be a better a storyteller and be better overall.
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Personally, readability, coherence, and how it treats me as a reader.
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First a strong hook and a clear character arc makes the most 'sellable' project. Second, budget (ie. number of characters, sets/locations, special effects).
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Amazing. Emily J and Amanda Nevarez . I’m working on some scripts right now and I’m trying to perfect my craft as a writer. Hope one day we can work together. Maybe, you can look at my scripts one day and tell me your thoughts. All I want to do is improve, be a better a storyteller and be better overall.