My belief is that all fiction is based somewhere in real life experiences. This fall I will lead a six session course in how to write fiction. My thought is that as the class will be composed of adults who already know how to write, the challenge will be to set up scenarios that lead them away from the writing of 'true stories' to the writing of fiction. Any suggestions?
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Hi Roberta - this is a great topic and creating real emotion in imaginary circumstances is such a great challenge for writers (even the recent Guardians of the Galaxy film is woven with relatable characters). Stage 32 offers classes and labs that focus on this aspect of the craft. Here’s a link to an upcoming Stage 32 lab on writing high concept features that has a great design and result:
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Thank you, Sam. But still interested in others' suggestions.
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You could search online for fiction writing prompts, Roberta M Roy.
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I have. Just looking for suggestions as to how to use reality to prompt writing fiction.
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Roberta M Roy , Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood offers an example whereby he rewrote Sharon Tate's fate at the hands of the Manson family members. Though trading off wish-fulfillment, rewriting horrific moments in history can offer a way to process senseless loss. Best of luck with your class!
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People believe that effort, writing and imagination are always present in writing in equal measure, but we know it's not true. (Which is why I wrote my how-to book: Writing Beyond the Self) "True" stories, biopics, autobiographical stories are easier to write than fiction because the story is already there. (That's why, "based on true events" lets us know there's a lot of poetic license about to be delivered.) Creating a fictional story is different even if the writer uses familiar places, dialog, and people-as-models. One thing about writing prompts, the class should have a time limit that for people to exercise their imagination muscles. One writing site, does just that. The topic is announced and the story must be submitted within 24 hours. Ah... the internet has so many capabilities. Time and date stamped. Also, an instruction to write in third person is a challenge for many people, as is omniscient POV. Photographs, news articles, advertisements ... better prompts than "how I spent my summer vacation when I was 12." Good luck with your class.
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Both your suggestions, Ty Strange and Jenean McBrearty are most interesting. As for your excellent suggestion, Ty, I would guess one might choose either a known story about another person or one from one's own life. And Jenean, I think the time limit as well as a pre-discussion of the differences between omniscient POV and a limited one might also stimulate imaginative story development. Thank you both:)
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I have used Storymatic cards to break students (and myself) out of their "go-to" choices.
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Hadn't heard of Storymatic cards but in searching, there seem to be a variety of them. Nice idea, Don.
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Like the 'step away' suggestion, D.E.White. Kinda think in some ways all fiction is a bit of 'step away'. LOL
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Roberta M Roy I teach and use the "What's the dumbest thing my character can do next?" method. :) It's a great way to infuse drama and conflict into stories -- and it also helps writers who have a difficult time putting characters in precarious situations, do so. Try it! And let me know what predicaments your characters get into!
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Hi, Fran. Great way to delineate the limits of a character!