A horror anthology featuring TV series of students dealing with paranormal entities. From a set of youth coppers being pursued by the ghost of a raped victim to a Loner who is determined to fulfill one last request for her friend.
What really would have been the fate of this loner and what relationship does he share with this hunted ghost?
Whatsapp me with your ideas+2349072319252
@E Use a catalyst to receive “information or puzzle solving” messages (rather than just all being haunted.) I did not say “medium” as there’s been so many TV medium stories so rather than a “Mystic Meg” type use student discovering their powers for the first time and maybe fights their feelings at first. I’d also choose one character delivering the supernatural messages either victim or loner, both same time would be overkill. Having an “object” of symbolism such as an old map leading to evidence or jewellery belonging to victim ends up in students hand or any other trigger should appear early.