Introduce Yourself : Hello by Matthew Burgess

Matthew Burgess


Hello. My name is Matthew Burgess, aspiring screenplay writer. Ultimately my goal is to be a staffed writer for a comedy series. I've written and produced several short films and recently started submitting to screenwriting contests. I'm self-taught for the most part but always looking to learn and grow. It's not easy putting your work out there but so far the experience has been a huge benefit. I don't like the idea of competing because art is subjective. Winning isn't the goal, putting the best version of myself on the page always is. Grateful to meet all of you.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Matthew Burgess. I like that ("Winning isn't the goal, putting the best version of myself on the page always is"). I definitely think writers should have that mindset.

Niki H

Hey Matthew! Self-taught is nothing to sneeze at. I feel like it used to have much more negative connotations then it does now.

David Abrookin

Welcome, Matthew Burgess! Glad to have you here and putting yourself out there is a big step, so keep at it!

Richard Wilkinson

Welcome! Congratulations on your wonderful achievements already!

Sam Mannetti

Welcome to Stage 32 Matthew! Great to have you in the community!

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