Screenwriting : Turning a book to a Script by Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Turning a book to a Script

In the meantime, I’ve currently written a book, well actually 2 books but the second is a short story for a short film, ongoing but nearly complete… which is leading me to my question, Can I have my books turned into a script?

Dan MaxXx

Sure, they are still spec scripts off spec books

Marcel Nault Jr.

As long as you know your story by heart and fleshed out the characters enough for the story, go ahead. But, screenwriting is a different beast in itself.

Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Marcel Nault Jr. Hmm… I think I’ll be needing more explanation on this with regards to screenwriting

Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Dan MaxXx do you know what next steps I can take towards this?

Marcel Nault Jr.

I can give you some suggestions as far as books, sites and articles go? You know where to find me.

Dan MaxXx

Paul Victor Ihebinikke finish a book, market book, sell books, sell over 50,000 books self publishing and I will personally call my agent hookup at William Morris Endeavor. They develop rockstar talent there. GL!

Bill Albert

Yes, just expect there to be lots of changes as it goes. Script writing is a whole different way of story telling. Be open for it.

Ty Strange

Paul Victor Ihebinikke, are you asking to "have" your books turned into scripts by a screenwriter, or are you looking to write the spec script yourself?

Michael David

Paul Victor Ihebinikke Sure you can! It's your IP, why not make it a screenplay, too. Be aware, though, that there are certain conventions for writing a screenplay that don't apply to book writing. DM me if you want to discuss.

Emily J

Absolutely! Stage 32 actually has Adaptation Review for this reason - you submit a summary and an industry executive will walk you through how to adapt it in a one-on-one consultation. If you shoot me an email at I can recommend some execs to you!

Sille Larsen

The short answer is "yes". Many books have been turned into movies, but as Bill Albert says, you will have to change a lot. A book can be on many pages, and with a lot of describing, while a script is very short, and not much on each page, therefore you always take out the plot of the book into the script and creates the script and the other important things that you read in the book, and sample it all into a script.

Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Dan MaxXx Thank You So much… I will definitely be getting in touch with you on this

Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Marcel Nault Jr. Ph alright then.. I’ll definitely be contacting you.

Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Bill Albert Ah yes indeed… I am totally aware of that and I’m ready to undergo all the procedures as I want the best and nothing but that also to learn a thing, two or more along the way.

Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Ty Strange At this time I think it would be better to hire a screenwriter for this as I’m still new/still learning all about screenplay writing

Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Michael David That sounds like a wonderful idea, I also understand all of that and I’m ready for all the changes. I will be contacting you on this

Paul Victor Ihebinikke

Emily J Thays great news. I will be contacting you on this with the brief summary and I’ll be checking out the link you attached.

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