I was speaking a month ago at a conference, about the 'art of storytelling'. During my research I came across this quote from Marshall McLuhan, from his book, 'The Medium and the Message', or as it was published, 'The Medium and the Massage'.
It really appealed to me and answered a lot of questions I had about myself...
“...whoever sharpens our perception tends to be antisocial – rarely ‘well-adjusted’, they cannot go along with currents and trends [of the dominant culture]. A strange bond often exists among antisocial types in their power to see environments as they really are.”
Environments here, are produced by the system or systems as a means of controlling our realities.
What are your thoughts? Does it sum up who you are, or do you consider yourself 'well-adjusted'?
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I feel quote is true but doesn’t include whole spectrum. Some creatives who inspire us “rigidly” fit into the system never daring to challenge the status quo at all. However I fit the quote and embrace freethinkers aswell as some grass roots counter cultures yet also consider myself not un balanced (alternative mentioned) as to me that means to lose control. I’ve reigned in my passion to protest on certain system failures through fear of arrest but made up for it via petitions etc. The pen is mightier than the sword!
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Debbie Croysdale I think what marks us out is that our ‘antisocial’ attitude or status comes from the fact that we cannot go along with the cultural currents and trends. I can’t think of many, if any who fit into the system. The system here isn’t Hollywood, but the political system that creates the inequities and oppression of its citizens. Who would you name that would fit into that frame as well as inspiring us?
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Some artists & politicians may be games players & not bite the hand that feeds by open opposition but rather keep a still tongue whilst inside the Trogen Horse. To be seen a rebel requires a don’t give a shit attitude some can’t afford in their bubble to survive yet they move mountains behind the scenes. I’m inspired by artists whose life I’d find mundane yet equally moved by rebels who speak raw truths & shame the devil. I recently hiked up Top Within in Dales cos I’m an ardent fan of the Bronte Sisters whose works still inspire UK & Hollywood. I know successful authors of today with huge fan bases who inspire without conflict. Sadly recently Glenda Jackson died, both actress & UK politician who inspired many yet was not seen as a rebel. When I was young I never honed in my passion for causes thus was labelled “A wild Horse.” Now I fight evil with craft.
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Victorian artists who inspire even Hollywood now I enjoy learning more on. Hiked miles to see building mentioned in Wuthering Heights by Bronte sisters below. Equally applaud graffiti artists with viable message who roam the earth resisting arrest. Resistance to crap can be passive or aggressive.
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I don't think "counter culturalists," "oddballs," or "antisocialists" have the market on originality. I think "originalists" are those that see what exists and insists on creating something that doesn't. In a way that could be considered "anti-social" because a push for new suggests what exists isn't fulfilling. The power of the marketplace is at odds because it both demands new stuff that looks like successful movies but says it demands originalism.
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I know I am. I even hate promoting my own work, so it's always better for me to do assignments...
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Really interesting quote. Thanks for sharing. Brings to mind everything I have heard and read about how Kubrick worked.
M LaVoie Yes, the potential for future collaboration is what gets me up in the morning, M.