Introduce Yourself : #HappyPride Everyone! by Travis Johns

Travis Johns

#HappyPride Everyone!

Bravely introducing myself as a comedy writer, director, and filmmaker available for hire! Independently adjacent to the entertainment industry for decades, my background in corporate commercial branding and advertising—editing digital content for brands and broadcast media—has gifted my life with stories...

Professionally speaking, my love languages are satire and dark comedy, the writings of Carrie Fisher, and storytelling that matters. Into like-minded weirdos, literary comrades, and other queer creatives down to clown. Looking forward to a successful, collaborative future, exceeding our potential, and quite possibly doing our best work together.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Travis Johns. That scene is hilarious! Haha

Travis Johns

Thanks, Maurice!

David Abrookin

Welcome, Travis Johns! Glad to have you here!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Travis Johns. Is your series online?

Travis Johns

Thx David! And yes, Maurice -- all three episodes are here:

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Travis Johns. I'll check them out.

Richard "RB" Botto

Good on you for stepping out, Travis. Fantastic IY post.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Travis! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

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