It's the oldest question in the modern era of the industry... how do best go about finding and bringing in money to your independent film projects.
Michelle Alexandria, a producer, PGA Member, and Film Distributor at Light Year Pictures and 123 Go Films, brings her 20+ years of experience in the field to Stage 32 to teach a 4-part class on this very subject and how to get it done in today's marketplace.
Michelle is awesome and you'll get so much out of her class. If you have a movie that you are looking to finance I highly recommend her class.
Here's a link so you can check it out and grab one of the spots: https://www.stage32.com/classes/Stage-32-4-Part-Class-How-to-Attract-Fin...
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Looking forward Sam!
Hello Michelle, I am in the process of setting up crowdfunding campaign with Seed & Spark to begin pre production of a feature film having already completed Development. I f we can raise enough, about 50 K to start location scouting, attaching talent etc do you think that will attract investors? We already have a Director and Exec Producer attached. What advice do you have and what should I do next to raise enough seed money and beyond. Our budget is about 3 Million. Thanks