Screenwriting : Logline help! by Tugume Benon (Benie)

Tugume Benon (Benie)

Logline help!

Hi, Its been ages since i posted here. Hope this finds everyone well.

From the summery below, i'm struggling to craft a great logline for my new series. Kindly help me suggest and share what you think could work. Thanks in advance :)

Upon discovery of secret codes & ill treatment, a desperate young man enlists his two friends to conduct a perfect heist on an impregnable establishment. After fleeing to head off police investigation, he coincidentally finds himself falling in love with his victim's daughter while living in the victim’s house overseas. Now he must deal with the consequence’s of his past or else ’the roof comes down on him’.

Tugume Benon (Benie)

Thanks Michael W. Orick but what do you mean exactly? I'm not getting you.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Tugume Benon (Benie). I'm not sure what Upon discovery of secret codes & ill treatment" means. And I think you have too many details in your logline.

Here's a logline template that might help:

After ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion), a _______ (an adjective and the protagonist's position/role) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/participates/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story) so/in order to ________ (stakes).”

The inciting incident can also be at the end of the logline: “A _______ (an adjective and the protagonist's position/role) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/participates/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story) so/in order to ________ (stakes) after ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion).”

Loglines are one or two sentences (a one-sentence logline sounds better and it takes less time for a producer, director, etc. to read it). You can add the antagonist in the logline.

If you want to really dive into what makes an attractive logline, check out Christopher Lockhart's upcoming webinar: "How To Make Your Logline Attractive to A-List Actors, Producers, Directors, Managers, Agents, Financiers and Development Execs"

Sam Sokolow

Hi Tugume Benon (Benie) - loglines are an art unto themselves. Stage 32 is hosting a webinar next Friday taught by Chris Lockhart, WME's top story editor and an expert on loglines, on how to craft loglines that get the attention of A-List talent and buyers. He is even accepting submissions of community member's loglines and will be discussing a few of them in the webinar. There will be a Q&A with Chris, too, so you can ask him questions about your logline. He's an amazing resource. Here's a link so you can check it out:

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