Introduce Yourself : Writer by Derrick Vernon

Derrick Vernon


Hi my name is Derrick Vernon,  I only been writing for less than a year, but it is a strong passion. I have original scripts about my life growing up n California raised in a broken home. Things a little boy shouldn't have seen or experienced but it made me the man that I am. I have stories atop of stories that are mesmerizing. I'm really on here wanting to meet new writers,producers etc. But my main goal to be honest is to find an agent, producer or someone to work for, represent me so we can make money off my scripts. I'm Always learning. I want to get paid to write. In this stage of my career, minimum pay sounds just right.  Please if your needing someone that has a full well of scripts contract me, I mean contact me

Elaine Haygood

Hey, Derrick!

I'm Elaine. I'm a writer-illustrator and I also serve as a Moderator here at Stage 32. I'm usually found lurking in the Animation or OTT-Transmedia chats.

Also, people can connect with/message you here at Stage 32. That way, you don't have to share your personal info like your email address.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Derrick Vernon. How have you been?

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