Introduce Yourself : Hi all!!!!!! by Gregory Barone

Gregory Barone

Hi all!!!!!!

welcome to all you new people here! I do illustration, storyboarding, and bit parts of voice over/ audio-dramas, and write my own stories that I hope will get made into a short movie or tv series.

Maurice Vaughan

How are things, Gregory Barone?

Gregory Barone

well, moving from one website hosting site to another and doing a course on writing scripts for comics and doing past tenses rewrite work on some stories of mine Maurice Vaughan what are you up too???

Leonardo Ramirez

Hey Gregory Barone - good to see you again! What site host did you move to and how are you liking it so far?

Suzanne Bronson

That's exactly what I am wanting to get into. Voiceover, and audio book recording. Let's connect.

Waheed Rehman

Hello Gregory, welcome aboard stage 32, glad to have you on board

Gregory Barone

Leonardo Ramirez I'm moving from go daddy to square space, a lot cheaper and they really push for ads for your site.

Gregory Barone

Hey Suzanne Bronson ever thought about being a voice actor??? worth a try. I know some places that mite work for you! shot me a message.

Gregory Barone

Waheed Rehman Thanks been here for a few months, I see your a big comics fan! so am I and hope to get one that I have in the works printed or go the webcomic route.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Gregory Barone. I saw a comic book script once. It's a different format than a feature script. I'm working on spec projects and networking.

Leonardo Ramirez

Ok thanks Gregory Barone. If I remember correctly, Squarespace is easier to us. I’d probably blog a lot more if I had something simpler.

Gregory Barone

Maurice Vaughan that's cool, i remember some about spec project here. what are they again???

Gregory Barone

Leonardo Ramirez the only blog site I know of is blogspot and substack, not sure of any others. not much of one to blog myself, no one cares to know what I think anyway. what do you blog about? stories ideas? I know of one place to post stories up at!

Leonardo Ramirez

Gregory Barone I don't blog that often but when I do it's about project updates and encouraging posts like the ones I write for Stage 32. (like this one: I know the feeling though - you'd be surprised to see how those who get to know you through your blog really are interested in what's going on.

Sherri ZImmerman

Welcome Gregory! I would love to see about your illustrations? Though I am looking for my children's books... which a few are based on astrology & few others having to do with the new outlook on future Earth. Great to see you here... I AM one of the new people here... thanks!

Gregory Barone

Leonardo Ramirez do you blog here mostly or somewhere else???

Gregory Barone

Hey Sherri ZImmerman not sure if you saw the links on my profile? my old site is still up so you can see what I can do. I can do book illustrations as long as you pay for them.

Leonardo Ramirez

Gregory Barone Mostly on my website: I've written two for S32.

Maurice Vaughan

One of my scripts is about invisible zombies, Gregory Barone, but the script has a deeper meaning. I wrote it as a short script. I'm writing it into a feature. Trying to keep it micro-budget.

Gregory Barone

Leonardo Ramirez I read the one you did here and went to your site and signed up for the news letter. the C.O.W story looks funny.

Gregory Barone

Maurice Vaughan Invisible Zombies!!!! That a new one for me and new take on the Zombie genre. I hope you get some backers and endorsements, maybe some sponsors too. not sure what way you plan on that? I know about kickstarter and go fund me.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Gregory Barone. Yeah, I wanted to write a zombie script that stands out from the other zombie scripts and movies. I plan on selling the script.

Leonardo Ramirez

Wow Gregory Barone That means a TON! Thank you so much!

Gregory Barone

Maurice Vaughan I hope it all works out good for you even with things going the way they are now.

Gregory Barone

Leonardo Ramirez your welcome.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Gregory Barone. Same to you for your projects.

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