welcome to all you new people here! I do illustration, storyboarding, and bit parts of voice over/ audio-dramas, and write my own stories that I hope will get made into a short movie or tv series.
welcome to all you new people here! I do illustration, storyboarding, and bit parts of voice over/ audio-dramas, and write my own stories that I hope will get made into a short movie or tv series.
How are things, Gregory Barone?
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well, moving from one website hosting site to another and doing a course on writing scripts for comics and doing past tenses rewrite work on some stories of mine Maurice Vaughan what are you up too???
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Hey Gregory Barone - good to see you again! What site host did you move to and how are you liking it so far?
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That's exactly what I am wanting to get into. Voiceover, and audio book recording. Let's connect.
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Hello Gregory, welcome aboard stage 32, glad to have you on board
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Leonardo Ramirez I'm moving from go daddy to square space, a lot cheaper and they really push for ads for your site.
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Hey Suzanne Bronson ever thought about being a voice actor??? worth a try. I know some places that mite work for you! shot me a message.
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Waheed Rehman Thanks been here for a few months, I see your a big comics fan! so am I and hope to get one that I have in the works printed or go the webcomic route.
Cool, Gregory Barone. I saw a comic book script once. It's a different format than a feature script. I'm working on spec projects and networking.
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Ok thanks Gregory Barone. If I remember correctly, Squarespace is easier to us. I’d probably blog a lot more if I had something simpler.
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Maurice Vaughan that's cool, i remember some about spec project here. what are they again???
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Leonardo Ramirez the only blog site I know of is blogspot and substack, not sure of any others. not much of one to blog myself, no one cares to know what I think anyway. what do you blog about? stories ideas? I know of one place to post stories up at!
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Gregory Barone I don't blog that often but when I do it's about project updates and encouraging posts like the ones I write for Stage 32. (like this one: https://www.stage32.com/blog/we-are-more-than-our-accomplishments-3451). I know the feeling though - you'd be surprised to see how those who get to know you through your blog really are interested in what's going on.
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Welcome Gregory! I would love to see about your illustrations? Though I am looking for my children's books... which a few are based on astrology & few others having to do with the new outlook on future Earth. Great to see you here... I AM one of the new people here... thanks!
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Leonardo Ramirez do you blog here mostly or somewhere else???
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Hey Sherri ZImmerman not sure if you saw the links on my profile? my old site is still up so you can see what I can do. I can do book illustrations as long as you pay for them.
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Gregory Barone Mostly on my website: http://Leonardoverse.com. I've written two for S32.
One of my scripts is about invisible zombies, Gregory Barone, but the script has a deeper meaning. I wrote it as a short script. I'm writing it into a feature. Trying to keep it micro-budget.
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Leonardo Ramirez I read the one you did here and went to your site and signed up for the news letter. the C.O.W story looks funny.
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Maurice Vaughan Invisible Zombies!!!! That a new one for me and new take on the Zombie genre. I hope you get some backers and endorsements, maybe some sponsors too. not sure what way you plan on that? I know about kickstarter and go fund me.
Thanks, Gregory Barone. Yeah, I wanted to write a zombie script that stands out from the other zombie scripts and movies. I plan on selling the script.
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Wow Gregory Barone That means a TON! Thank you so much!
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Maurice Vaughan I hope it all works out good for you even with things going the way they are now.
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Leonardo Ramirez your welcome.
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Thanks, Gregory Barone. Same to you for your projects.