Composing : What's Your Favorite Media Music? by Pamela Jaye Smith

Pamela Jaye Smith

What's Your Favorite Media Music?

Mine is the scene in the classic 1942 film CASABLANCA. One night in Rick’s Café Americain, the Nazi officers are singing a German anthem, "Die Wacht am Rhein". The free French then begin singing the French national anthem, “Le Marseilles”. It takes over. Quite stirring and inspiring.

Watch the scene here --

And read more about this film’s lasting impact --

So -- what media music do you think is most effective and outstanding?

I've seen some postings about this below, and look forward to checking those out further.

The famous La Marseillaise scene from Casablanca.
The famous La Marseillaise scene from Casablanca.
pyrrhiccomedy You know, this scene is so powerful to me that sometimes I forget that not everyone who watches it will understand its significance, or will have seen Casablanca. So, because this scene…
Jamie Marner

That scene is so stirring to see everyone uniting together and know the background of why they were singing. My personal favorite is during the throne room scene at the end of the original Star Wars. The song feels like such a crowning moment to all the preceding action.

Sam Sokolow

I have always loved that scene and been moved by it. So powerful! I also love how Scorsese uses Layla in GOODFELLAS.

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm a big fan of the bodies of work by Bear McCreary, Thomas Newman, Danny Elfman, and Gustavo Santaolalla. But if I had to pick just one piece right now, it may have to be Gustavo's theme for The Last of Us. I think it's hauntingly beautiful.

Arhynn Descy

I couldn't possibly choose one!!!!! :) If we are talking scenes that are really moving, however, the Elegy for Dunkirk from Atonement (music by Dario Marianelli) is one that stands out for me:

Arhynn Descy

Wow! Just read the details behind Casablanca...I didn't know any of it! This was one of my father's favourite films. He was conscripted into the French army in WWII and I remember caravan trips we took in Europe with him singing the Marseilleise out loud as we drove along. I just thought of him as seriously patriotic....starting to understand another aspect to it!

Maurice Vaughan

My favorite media music is "Survivor" by 2WEI, Pamela Jaye Smith. It's the Destiny's Child cover from TOMB RAIDER the movie ( I listen to it when I write.

Elena Maro

Thank you so much for sharing this, Pamela Jaye Smith. Wow, isn't it amazing how filmmaking is permeated with history, not only regarding what we see on screen, but, even more, when it comes to the people who made those films?

It is very hard to pick just one scene, but the final scene of "Never Let Me Go", scored with such elegance on one side, and powerful emotional impact on the other by Rachel Portman touches me deeply every time I watch it:

Alexander Benra

Deborah's theme from "Once upon a time in America", Morricone

Rutger Oosterhoff

The music that goes with The Mission.

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