Hi, I have a 30 page script I was hoping to make, and stretch into a 40 minute feature. Would anyone be willing to check it out and give feed back, or even swap stories? Thank you!
It is a dramedy, about a woman's empowerment, from a male's point of view.
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Hey Kevin, I'd be happy to read your script, if you'd like to shoot me a DM?
Thats awesome. I sent you a "friend request" so I can IM you. thank you!!!
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Kevin, a 40 minutes/pages script is more like a very long short. The Academie of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a future as a film that runs for more than 40 minutes. Then again, The Screen Actors Guild defines a feature fas minimum of 80 minutes. I would say you need at least 70 pages/minutes to have a viable feature. "A Quiet Place" was 68 pages, they stretched it out to a 90 minutes movie. Know that one page is one minute of screentime - because of several reasons - often doesn't translate like that. I made a short with a French team; 3 page script, 17 minute movie. (although this is exceptional, I guess the French like to REALLY stretch things).
At the end it has to do with two things: money and is there an audience?