Always been a writer and have become a self-taught screenwriter. Over the past few years have been developing a supernatural tv series for a streaming service. Looking for ways to fundraise and/or get the project out there to someone who will want to read the actual pilot rather than just a query letter or written pitch. The competition is intense but the people are great. So happy to be a part of this world!
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Welcome to the community, Denise Pounds. I'm also a self-taught screenwriter. I basically had part of a script (OFFICE SPACE) and a screenwriting article starting off.
Stage 32 has a great Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge ( where you can find resources and advice for raising funds.
One way to get your project out there to someone who'll want to read the pilot is building relationships/networking in the Lounges (, through direct message, and the Browse Section (
Another way is to enter the Stage 32 contests ( Stage 32 sets up meetings with industry pros for winners.
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Welcome Denise, looking forward to connecting with you
i am so far behind on navigating all of this - not enought hours in the day !