Introduce Yourself : Introduce Yourself. by John Guinn

John Guinn

Introduce Yourself.

Hello Everyone,

My name is John Guinn, I am trying very hard to become a success in the Movie industry. And make some good movies. I have been with stage 32 for some time now, I have learned a lot and I do appreciate the educational tools you all have.

Bop Shipman

Hello John, Nice to meet you. That's the goal of everyone here, hope we can pull and push one another.

Maurice Vaughan

How are you doing, John Guinn? What are you working on?

John Guinn

Hello Maurice, i am trying to get a short film made.

John Guinn

Hello Bop, that sounds great let's make it happen.

Maurice Vaughan

That's great, John Guinn. What genre(s) is your short film?

Natalia Apablaza

Hi John Guinn nice to meet you!

John Guinn

The genre is Drama,

John Guinn

Hello Natalia how are you.

Maurice Vaughan

I like Drama movies, John Guinn. What stage are you at with your film?

John Guinn

At this point, i am trying to get the trailer shot.

Maurice Vaughan

Merry Christmas to you and your family, John Guinn! Sounds great. Do you already have a director to film the trailer?

John Guinn

Hello Maurice, It took me some time to get back to you, for that please overlook it. I have already filmed the trailer, but I am hoping to do something soon and I will keep you in mind, by the way, what is your email address?

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, thanks for keeping me in mind, John. My email is John Guinn

Allen (Talen) Legacy

Hi John, nice to meet you. Good Luck with you project!

John Guinn

Hello Allen, Thank you so much, i will work hard and make it happen. Happy Holidays to you and all the best.

Bop Shipman

Congrats John on completing the trailer... best of luck. I would like to see it as well.

John Guinn

Hello Bop,

I read your loglines you have some very interesting works. What part of the United States do you live? I have been thinking about putting together a promotional team, is that something you would be interested in? By the way, what is your email address?

Bop Shipman

Much apprecitated John Guinn . I'm in south Florida... absolutely interested, let's talk .

John Guinn

Hello Bop,

I sent you an Email.

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