Screenwriting : Im starting a youtube channel! by Julio Torres

Julio Torres

Im starting a youtube channel!

I recently decided to change the focus of my youtube channel to screenwriting. I have 6 videos getting ready to publish in 2 weeks, still working on editing. However, I have a question: Would it be interesting for you to see how to use digital marketing in screenwriting? Like how to properly make social media campaigns, marketing strategies and such?

I've been working on the industry for 8 years and would love to incorporate it but I'm not sure if its something that interests people. Hope you can give me your feedback! Thank you in advance :)

Maurice Vaughan

I'm interested in seeing that, @Julio Torres.

Billy Kwack

Hi Julio, I would like to see

Craig D Griffiths

especially if you have a method that has a lower hourly investment. I find there are two lanes. One builds an audience around a topic, like flat earth or screenwriting, and then monetising that audience.

Or the other lane, is when you build an audience to support another activity. Like the “Friday Fretworks” channel hosted by the guitarist of Cardinal Black. He has a huge following (and is mega talented) so when their album came out, they knock Noel Gallagher off the number spot in the UK charts.

I am interested in lane two. To support my writing.

I do a weekly writing video on youtube. I am going to be posting video 100, I think I am in the mid 90’s I think.

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