Introduce Yourself : Rhys Thompson by Rhys Thompson

Rhys Thompson

Rhys Thompson

Hi everyone,

I am a screenwriter who writes the scary stuff!

Working away on numerous projects and trying to get around to meet like minded people. Also have entered the stage 32 " Search for new blood " contest.

Hope you are all well today.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Rhys Thompson. Hope you're well too. What's your favorite Horror sub-genre to write?

Rhys Thompson

Hi, Maurice Vaughan. Good to hear from you today. I generally write Slasher and Terror but love any sub- genre that has a good concept behind it. How about yourself?

Lakiesha Michelle

Grand day Rhys Thompson I love the scary stuff! Horror is my number one genre I gotta did into your catalog.

Lakiesha Michelle

Maurice Vaughan hello, I will be visiting you also. Horror/Slasher/Terror... bring it all

Maurice Vaughan

What's Terror, Rhys Thompson? My favorite Horror sub-genres to write are Contained, Survival, Monster, and Slasher. I'm writing a Holiday Horror script for November Write Club.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Lakiesha Michelle. Are you working on a Horror script?

Rhys Thompson

Terror is creating a feeling of dread and anticipation for the audience. Emotionally driven.

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, Rhys Thompson. Thanks for explaining. What are some Terror movies that you like?

Rhys Thompson

I love Jacob's Ladder and The Exorcist is definitely a movie that brings out the dread in one's self. Slasher movies are my favorite. Love all the classics.

Rhys Thompson

The holiday horror script sounds interesting. Good luck with that my friend.

Lakiesha Michelle

Maurice Vaughan Grand day, Yes I am working on a series STRANGE CREATIONS

Maurice Vaughan

Oh ok, Rhys Thompson. I write Terror too. I just didn't know it was a sub-genre. Thanks. My Holiday Horror script is a micro-budget first-person POV script. Best to you on your projects!

Maurice Vaughan

I like the title, Lakiesha Michelle? How's your series coming along?

Xochi Blymyer

Good luck on the contest, that'll be fun! I'm not much for horror but definitely appreciate a good jump out of my seat sort of movie.

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