Hello everyone! It’s a bit late into the weekend, but better late than never as they say. I’m a screenwriter/novelist and I’ve got a few projects going through the final polish to hopefully get somewhere this year. I’ve got a grounded sci-fi horror series that I am very excited about! I started it as a feature but after feedback I am converting it to a series.
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Hi all. I had my first script optioned twice by two different production companies years ago, when the movie wasn't made my author friend said "To hell with them, write a novel." I did and went on to write another. Now its the new book I'm wanting to find a home for...I would love to see it become a limited TV series. I am excited to be a part of Stage 32. And I am reinspired to come up with a pilot script for "Zebra" Friends by Fate. Enemies by Destiny. Thank you for having me.
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Amazing Jennifer I’ve played a mother in a fantasy genre movie it’s totally on trend.
No worries, Jennifer Ford. Introduce Yourself Weekend is tomorrow also. It's Friday through Monday every month.