I'm writing a screenplay that I think would be great, animated. My question is what is the usual criteria for animation vs live?
I'm writing a screenplay that I think would be great, animated. My question is what is the usual criteria for animation vs live?
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First question is, why is animation the right way to tell the story?
Is there a fantasy element, or something visual you’re hoping to display that live action wouldn’t be right for?
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not really, it's just when I see the movie play in my head, I see it as animated.
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Hey, Bop Shipman. I agree with Mike Boas's questions. That's how I decide if a story should be Animation.
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Bop Shipman Hi Bop, here's a great webinar (I've just watched it) on the whole process from Script to Screen:
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Anything can be animated or live action it doesn’t really change the core of the story. It just depends on which one would be more affective at telling that story and at the end of the day which is the cheapest way to do it.
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Bop Shipman it also depends on the audience you’re trying to reach. Young children? Or say hitting the demographic for the likes of Anime which is 18-29 and predominantly male.