I hardly have the words for how freaking awesome the panel was yesterday.
I got so much love from everyone who attended afterwards. (I think my favorite message was from someone who said it puts the Producers Guild of America panels to shame lol.)
Thank you all for the outpouring of gratitude and excitement.
If you have not seen it, take an hour this weekend (you can even watch it at 1.25x speed) and soak up the incredible insights, wisdom, strategies, inspiration and laughs.
Also note that you can scan the transcript and jump to timestamps using the button to the right of the CC button!
Legendary Screenwriter & Director Secrets Replay at:
A few takeaways...
Andrij (Emmy-winning Director of “Succession”) fun fact:
“I was fired from my first feature… It was terrifically humbling. It’s always good to know that you can be replaced… It pushes you to do good work.” [54:49 in replay]
Nicole (Emmy-winning Director of “Watchmen”) takeaway:
(on hiring a job candidate) "It's a very intimate experience being on set together, and incredibly high-pressure. So knowing that other people recommend this person is essential. And then meeting personally, it's largely about chemistry... Would you trust that person to tell you that you need deodorant, or to eat a mint? And then really asking them about your process." [3:33 in replay]
Julie (Emmy-nominated Director of “Bridgerton”):
“The voice of the writer is something that is critical to me. I always make my decisions (on whether to move forward with a project) based on that... I listen to that writer's voice. That's always been what's compelled me... To satisfy my hunger... to collaborate with that unique voice.” [39:41 of the replay]
Damon (Emmy-winning Showrunner of "Watchmen"):
"(When it comes to) craft, that 10,000 hour rule is a real thing. So while you’re accruing your hours, get close to the people who have already accrued them, and you will learn via absorption, if you’re focused on learning as opposed to climbing. You’ll climb as you learn and the two things are kind of part and parcel.” [58:17 of the replay]
There's sooo much more in there, that was just a taste. Let me know what you think of it!
all my best,