Congrats to all the Quarterfinalists in this year's Search for New Blood Contest! Let's show our support for everyone and if you placed, let us know more about your script!
Check out the quarterfinalists here: https://www.stage32.com/happy-writers/contests/10th-Annual-Search-for-Ne...
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Congratulations, quarterfinalists!
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Congrats to all!
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Thank you for honoring my Navajo, female-led horror script, THE SPLINTER!!! Congratulations to all the Quarter Finalists!!!
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Congratulations, everyone! Thanks, Stage32, for including my horror feature "Poppet" in the quarterfinalists.
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Congratulations all the quarterfinalists!!! And Thank you for including our script, Street No. 4! What great news to end the year!
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Thanks for including my script The Rat King in the quarter-finals! Congrats to everyone!
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Glad that my script ADRENOCHROME made the cut. See y'all in the semis ;)
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Thanks for including my horror feature THE EYE OF OWUO in the quarterfinals. Congrats and good luck to everyone who made it in.
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Absolutely thrilled to see Sacred Sun among the New Blood quarterfinalists, thank you so much.
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Congrats everyone!! And thank you Stage32! Thrilled to be part of the list with the pilot of NYCTO a bilingual dark fantasy/drama. If you want to know more of the series universe you can find it in IG @nyctoseries
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Well done, maties! So impressive.
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So grateful that TREASURE TRAP was chosen to be among so many incredible stories! I wrote this as an ode to my first trip to England between my Junior and Senior years of High School and didn't know if it would resonate with anyone but my wife and I. Very much in the John Hughes vein of comedy with drama interwoven into it (complete with music suggestions). Very thankful to all of the Judges for giving it the chance that they have and honored to be on the Stage 32 Forums!
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Looking forward to seeing everyone's success story and meeting new wonderfully creative individuals!
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Outstanding! Congratulations to all the Quarterfinalists! Bravo! Amazing opportunity for recognition and advancement.