Screenwriting : Would please like some feedback on a feature film script I just finished by Celine Leon

Celine Leon

Would please like some feedback on a feature film script I just finished

Hello everyone, I just finished writing a script titled 'Hell City' and posted it in my loglines. I feel the story is lacking some strength in the third act and I would really appreciate if someone would read the script and provide me with some constructive feedback. I'd be happy to do the same in return :)

Celine Leon

Thank you, Matthew! I'll go check that out

Craig Prickett

Celine if you're still looking for someone to give you some notes just pm me cheers.

Danny Manus

If youd like to get professional constructive notes, id be happy to help over at No BullScript. I highly suggest doing notes calls over written notes or coverage.

Celine Leon

Just dmed you Craig Prickett

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on finishing your script, Celine Leon! Have you thought about also getting feedback on here (

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