Screenwriting : CONGRATS to all my fellow Quarterfinalists in the Catalyst Studios Empowering Women Script Competition! by Lydia Cornell

Lydia Cornell

CONGRATS to all my fellow Quarterfinalists in the Catalyst Studios Empowering Women Script Competition!

So honored to be in the quarterfinals for my screenplay: VENUS CONSPIRACY

Rick J. Lucas

Congrats, Lydia!

Sam Sokolow

Congratulations on VENUS CONSPIRACY making the quarterfinals, Lydia Cornell!

Asmaa Jamil

Congratulations to you and everyone else.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Lydia Cornell and Quarterfinalists!

Lydia Cornell

Thank you all!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lydia Cornell.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Congratulaions, Lydia!

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