I wish to propose a 2024 all-volunteer production and recording of "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis. The 1935 political satire novel by Sinclair Lewis, adapted as a play, tells the tale of a nationalist with populist slogans (promising greatness) who wins the 1936 U.S. presidential election. His corrupt loyalists in Congress go along with making him a dictator, same as in Italy and Germany. A dark comedy.
If you have any interest, please post a reply. If enough folks feel the vision is viable, we can discuss getting organized. I see wrapping in time for the 2024 elections.
For Example: https://northlight.org/it-cant-happen-here/
FYI, as a journalist, for two decades, I pioneered TV industry trade magazine coverage of the internet and interactive media in the USA and Europe.