Stage 32: how are you?
My name is David. I’m a former Entertainment Journalist and recovering movie critic. I have the exclusive rights to an epic, historically significant story related to Vietnam, told from the South Vietnamese perspective. I’m the only American who’s been entrusted with this tale. The second draft is just about done. On the other end of the spectrum, I’ve co-written a sci-fi comedy TV pilot about a twisted, original concept, which generally elicits the following reaction: “Were you high when you thought of that? Oh, my god, it’s crazy, but it works!” to which I reply, “No, but I do own a 13 ft bong, and thank you for the kind words..” Now, only one part of that answer isn’t true. I’ll let you use your imagination. In the interest of keeping this relatively short (relative to “The Winds of War”), I’m excited about another screenplay I’m close to finishing, a completely original concept that takes place in the 1980s and is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Waiting in my pipeline: a sci-fi thriller about a teenage girl with a unique ability to communicate with her dead father, a modern take on a legendary sitcom, and a story about a 19th-century woman history has largely forgotten, but she should be a household name and an inspiration to young women everywhere.
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too, David Blaustein. Your projects sound exciting, especially the Sci-Fi Thriller about a teenager with a unique ability to communicate with her dead father!
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Same, Maurice Vaughan! I have the outline, characters, and story. Can't wait to write the script!
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Hi David, great to meet you. Your project about Vietnam really piqued my interest. I'm also writing a true story, based on a memoir, that takes place in Vietnam. Is your script completed?
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Cool, David Blaustein. Keep us updated on your script and all of your projects.
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Hey David Blaustein , what a fun introduction! I love hearing about your projects and hope you'll post them in more detail on your profile. Especially love your bio... "I was raised by nudists..." Oh my goodness, I'm a very visual person...
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David Blaustein a thirteen foot bong? Please enlighten me! Oh and welcome to the IYW.
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Nice to meet you, David Blaustein! Glad to have you here!
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Maureen Mahon, Hi, and it's nice to meet you! I'm on the second draft and should be finished by the end of next week. The first draft was well received, which in the scheme of things doesn't mean anything to anyone but myself :) Let's stay in touch. I'd love to hear about your script!
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Robin Gregory LOL. Thank you! Yes, my dad was a nudist, and my mom was and still is completely prudish. I had an extremely interesting but sordid upbringing. I have a memoir brewing, which 5 or 6 people might read, but I have to get it off my chest. Nice to meet you!
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Geoff Hall, I took a little creative license. In college, we had a 13-foot bong in our house. I might've tried it once, then proceeded to sit on a chair in the kitchen for 8 hours.
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David Blaustein but what's a bong and why is it so big?
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Geoff Hall It's a water pipe, similar to a hookah (my mother, 87 and from Brooklyn calls them "hookers") used to smoke weed. As far as its size, that's just overcompensation. :)
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Great, David! I'd love to read it, if you're open to sharing. Promise I won't steal anything. Did you do a lot of research? If you have any suggestions on good source material, I'd love to check it out. I'm still in the gathering info and ruminating stage of the writing.
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David Blaustein Looking forward to seeing what you do with the Vietnam story and sci-fi comedy series. In the meantime, keep us posted on that memoir. I'm pretty sure you'll get more than 5 or 6 of us to read it!
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Maureen Mahon: Awesome! I did a considerable amount of research. I'm very fortunate as the primary source, the protagonist, is still alive and gave me most of what I needed. There are a few things in this screenplay about a significant player in the conflict that were previously unknown. The Wikipedia page is wrong. Imagine! We believe that will create a natural buzz about the eventual movie. In addition, it's a thrilling and exciting story (with and without creative license) that's never been told before.
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Welcome, David Blaustein! What a great list of projects! Your sci-fi project sounds super fun!
I definitely suggest that you check out our Screenwriting Lounge where you can join discussions, pose questions that you may have, provide advice or insights, and share news/announcements that interest you.
You can find the lounge through the toolbar at the top of your browser window. Simply click on "Lounge", which will direct you to a new page listing all the current lounges available. Then select "Screenwriting".
But don’t stop there! Here’s a great blog explaining the best ways to navigate Introduce Yourself Weekend, right here on Stage 32:
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Thank you, Ashley Renee Smith. I appreciate the tips!
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lay off the smoke breaks and get back to nam
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Welcome David Blaustein! I used to write in the Entertainment section of my university's newspaper! Sounds like you have a busy year your way, good luck on everything!
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Sam Rivera Thank you. I did the same thing! Yeh, It's going to be a great year!
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Ashley Renee Smith I just read that blog and it's great. Thank you again.
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Welcome David! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.
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Hello Matthew Parvin. Thank you. Chicago! I got married there... and divorced in New York! :) I love that city, though. When I was a reporter, I covered Lollapalooza at Grant Park multiple times. Does Connie's pizza still exist? Lou Malnati's is great, but I'm a New Yorker and not supposed to like the deep dish life. Good thing I don't subscribe to regional stereotypes.
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It's great to meet you here in the community, David Blaustein. Anyone who makes a "Winds of War" reference is aces to me. Hilarious. You have some terrific sounding projects - wishing you huge success!
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Nice to meet you, David Blaustein. That all sounds cool.
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Thank you for the kind words, Sam Sokolow. I appreciate your appreciation of Herman Wouk's "Winds of War!" My parents had a bookcase at the top of the staircase. "Winds of War" and "Clan of the Cave Bear" bookended at least 100 issues of "National Geographic."
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Nice to meet you, too, Dustin Richardson, and thank you!
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David Blaustein, my dad collected National Geographics, too! He was a bit of a hoarder and a human Wikipedia. The garage was filled with NG magazines and he created aisles so we could navigate our way through.