Introduce Yourself : Newbee here ! by Zanardi Bahi

Zanardi Bahi

Newbee here !

Hello ! I've just joined, looks like the place to be to make connections and share knowledge. I'm currently into my latest project which is close to my heart, looking to connect and collaborate with fellow producers, talented directors, anyone willing to tackle a TV series! Will get round to posting in the job section, but in the meantime very excited to be here.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Zanardi Bahi. This is definitely the place to be to make connections and share knowledge.

Here's a blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32 for your best experience (

And here are blogs about networking (

Marcel Nault Jr.

Welcome aboard, Zanardi!

If your interests are aligned with television series, we should talk. Looking forward to hear more from you. :)

David Blaustein

Welcome, Zenardi! I've been active here for nearly a month, and it's been great. Lots of friendly, supportive people and opportunities to make substantive connections AND SO MANY GREAT RESOURCES! Enjoy!

Kerry Kennard

Hi Zanardi, It's nice to to learn about you through Stage 32. There's the Financing lounge here, which might be good for you. I'm at the Composer lounge some. I'm learning many different things this year. :~) I re-started the Hans Zimmer course online today. I started before the Pandemic, so, it's been a while. There's a few chapters to watch videos, etc. I've been learning by doing - best way. Then I have like three main books about Film music, so, there's TMI in this house / home,. :~)

TV Series ? Sounds interesting ! What kind of network will it be going out on ? You Can Message me more info. here or at LinkedIn. Looks for the Drums / percussion in profiles.

Hope your experiences here are great !

K. Kennard

Stefano Pavone

Welcome to the club. :)

Xochi Blymyer

You’re in the write place!

Robert Sacchi

Welcome to Stage32.

Asmaa Jamil

Welcome and you joined the right place.

Bill Brock

Welcome to "The 32," Zanardi, where all the Cool Kids hang.

Rob Lindsay


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