Introduce Yourself : Rekindling the fire by Tucker Teague

Tucker Teague

Rekindling the fire

Hello everyone. It's good to be here.

Everyone has a story, right?

In what seems like another lifetime, I had big "plans" to become a filmmaker. I studied film/video production in college, taught some, made some short films that won some competitions, went to grad school, worked as the key grip on a feature, and then I ended up doing some commercial video, was a pro photographer for a while, did some radio, did some live TV newscast directing, and then... well, I took a hard turn and got a job in the tech industry corporate world. After all these years I said, "To heck with it, I'm gonna try some filmmaking in one way or another." So here I am. I dusted off an old feature screenplay, and wrote two more in the past six months (and even placed in some screenplay competitions) just to get my brain back into film mode. Who knows where this will lead, but I'm exploring becoming a writer/producer. I'm also excited to be here, on Stage32. I look forward to getting to know you, make connections, learn, and contribute however I can. Maybe we'll even work together on something some day.

Blessings to you all.

Karmin Mosley

Nice to meet you, Tucker! I understand your sentiments about taking a hard turn and getting a job that's not "artsy or creative." I had to become a manager at a sneaker store for years to fund a lot of the endeavors I wanted to do. Fortunately, for a long time, my family has provided for me and allowed me to strictly do creative pursuits full-time like screenwriting. However, when their pockets get low, I get pushed to find a job which I can respect and understand. Hopefully, this year, I will be able to fund my creative pursuits by getting the opportunity of a lifetime. What kind of films do you enjoy writing? Do you have a preferred genre? I hope you don't mind but I added you to my network. Check out my profile when you get a chance. Wishing a good year for all the creatives!

Maurice Vaughan

Tucker Teague A man on a mission! I suggest checking out Stage 32's Filmmaking/Directing Lounge ( and Filmmaking Blogs ( Hope they help!

Emily J

hI Tucker Teague! So glad you're here! Working on any cool creative projects at the moment?

Tucker Teague

Emily J at the moment I'm starting work on my fourth feature screenplay. I've restarted writing last summer and am basically working on learning the craft. What I need most now is just finding ways to get good feedback on my scripts and then figure out what I can do with them. I'm also waiting on a friend to finish up his current production so I can jump in and help him with his next film in the next few months (assuming all goes well).

Nick Phillips

Here's to you making that pivot Tucker Teague! No time like the present!

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