Introduce Yourself : Happy Weekend Everyone - Greetings from OZ! by Morrison James

Morrison James

Happy Weekend Everyone - Greetings from OZ!

Happy Weekend All You Stage 32er's,

Wishing you all a very Happy Weekend for February Introduce yourself Weekend.

Always looking to connect with all you creatives - Directors, Producers, Writers, Cinematographers etc.

Wishing you All Health and Happiness.

Stay Safe, healthy and above all - HAPPY!

Do what you love to do and Create Some Magic!

Morrison James

Geoff Hall

Morrison James Hi Morrison, it’s great to see you on the IYW. I hope you are well and thriving. How is life in Oz?

Maurice Vaughan

Happy IYW, Morrison James. What are you working on right now?

Emily J

Hi Morrison James! So glad to have you as part of Stage 32!

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, Morrison James! What are your goals for 2024?

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